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Join the K182 Challenge! A collaborative challenge

We are going to put on the map the 182 towns with less than 5.000 inhabitants of the Province of Barcelona


1 year ago we started with this blog. A year ago we started with the challenge. The K182 challenge. A challenge where we proposed to visit with the Kucavana the 182 micro-towns of the Province of Barcelona. Those with less than 5.000 inhabitants.

3 were the objectives Main:

- Spread and locate unknown villages on the map.

- Dynamize economically and socially these micro-towns in danger of depopulation.

- Offer leisure alternatives to itinerant tourism in motorhome or camper.



In one year the Kucavana has visited 37 municipalities, but we do not give enough. 

We want to put the 182 micro towns in the Province of Barcelona on the itinerant tourism map. We must help these small municipalities and unearth hidden treasures.


We are missing 145 municipalities. Impossible to do it alone, can you help us?


Join the K182 challenge!


Become Super Special Agent K182!

If you want to know more about what a K182 Agent does, you will find the manual at the following link

First things: Choose a micro-village

Here, you have the list of the 182 municipalities that make up the K182 Challenge. Children under 5.000 inhabitants. Choose one of those that are still pending to visit and without Agent K182.

Register as Agent K182 of that micro-village

If you need more information or have questions contact us.

This entry has 2 comments

  1. merce caballero

    Hello, I have just pointed out and I have posted the first village I have seen (Fígols), but I really don't know if it will be here or not. He was missing the option "m'ho estic pensant", hahaha.

    Bé, to which puguem sortir de nou will prepare a route per aquest i altres pobles.

    Molt was interested in the proposal, did he have anything to do with Vanwow?



    1. Pilar Avila

      Bon dia Merçè! Quina good news that you join us! i a poble so esteemed per nosaltres com Fígols! A molt bon amic meu, that badly is going to die, if I had bought there the illusion of the seva life, a farmhouse. Mai vàrem be able to anar, i could not anar-hi either, així that t'agraeixo enormously that I loved the visit and the diffongueu.
      About Vanwoow quan vàren apparentix nosaltres ja teniem el projecte en marxa i evidentment ens vàrem coneixer, ara som socis i col·laborem amb el que podem amb ells 🙂 Molt molt bona gent aquests vanwoowers 🙂

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