You are currently viewing Motorhome insurance: Which is the best of this 2024? Our personal comparison

Motorhome insurance: What is the best of this 2024? Our personal comparison

Motorhome insurance: what a dilemma.
To travel with your house in tow totally calm, nothing like choosing well between the best insurance for motorhomes this year 2024.
Well, all that glitters is not gold!

Traveling by motorhome or camper has many attractions: you enjoy nature, you stop being a tourist to become a traveler and you move at your own pace. Some experiences that you will fully enjoy if you get a good motorhome insurance company to support you against possible unforeseen events. 

If you are about to renew or take out your motorhome insurance and you are tired of hearing that other colleagues in the world get better proposals than you... read on about the best motorhome insurance for 2024.

In this post, we share with you everything we have learned about insurance for motorhomes and campers throughout our experience. This is how we see it.

What you will discover

Our goal is for you to choose a policy tailored to you, the one that fits you like a glove. 

How you will benefit

If you make the right decision, you will save yourself worry and money.

The three questions essential about your insurance

1 ª. Is the insurance company an expert in the caravaning world? 

2 ª. Do they make you an insurance that covers the minimum of the minimum or is it really an insurance that will not leave you lying on the road or facing a big problem?

3 ª. Is your price good?

Let's go with the details!

Summary of top motorhome insurance 2024: For those who want to get to the point

As you will see below, after all an analysis and comparison, finally this year 2024 we have contracted our motorhome insurance again with a Galician company called ucoga, with which we already hired him in 2021 because he gave us the best price and coverage.

They are lifelong Galician motorhome drivers who have always been dedicated to farm and agricultural insurance, which means that they have a large volume with insurers and can give a great price and quality. 

I leave you here the Table of the summary comparison that we have made to choose our motorhome insuranceIn our case, we are looking for an all-risk insurance with franchise with good conditions in case something happens (that better never happens) and a good price. 

As you will see, Ucoga has the best price for comprehensive insurance with a very good deductible of 320 with the best conditions since it includes everything and what we were interested in they have the best travel assistance.

In addition, we also fell in love with Ucoga because they told us that are working to offer the insured farms and farms to spend the night in a motorhome!

Total that we ended up liking everything about this company that until now we did not know. What a great find!

Motorhome insurance comparison

If you want, read this post and you can also read the detail of the comparative table above, with the analysis one by one of the coverages, in our POST MOTORHOME INSURANCE UNDER TOTAL ANALYSIS you have everything in detail!



Gain peace of mind. Choose only expert companies in the world of caravanning

Look for expert insurance companies in the world of caravanning, expert motorhome insurance. Those of us who move in this world know well that a motorhome has its peculiarities. It really is an RV. Therefore, you should get a motorhome insurance adapted to your needs.

Camper drivers like you love freedom, nature and, above all, traveling in peace. We, after a lot of years moving in this way, We have learned that insuring the motorhome is guaranteeing the trip. So, pTo enjoy our routes smoothly, it is vital to take out good insurance for the vehicle. 

Just type in Google and you will find a multitude of offers or companies. But how to search? Here we leave you a word cloud that will help you a lot in your search. You can start with motorhome insurance - motorhome insurance - motorhome insurance - motorhome insurance - motorhome insurance - motorhome insurance

Take note! 

motorhome insurance from 2021

Checklist to tailor your motorhome insurance for 2024

We continue!

Take a look at this checklist to choose the ideal policy from among the best insurance for motorhomes of 2023 that you can find in the market. This is how we have summarized it.

  1. What price are you willing to pay for the insurance?
  2. Premium guarantees and coverage in case of an accident or insurance price?
  3. Premiums, personalized attention or price of motorhome insurance?
  4. Do you want full risk? 
  5. With or without franchise? How much franchise are you willing to pay?
  6. How much are you going to use your motorhome? On vacation alone? Or every weekend and vacation?
  7. How old is your motorhome?
  8. What things do you carry inside your mobile home? Do you want to cover the inside or not?
  9. Who will drive?
  10. Will there be extra drivers?
  11. What is the age of the drivers?
  12. Have you had any part the past few years?
  13. Have you had any part during the first year with an insurer and they kicked you out?
  14. Will you leave Spain regularly?

 Decide what you need and what you prioritize based on the answers you have answered

Now, you are ready to find the insurance company that suits you best, the first thing is to be clear about what you want and prioritize.

Motorhome insurance should fit your needs and priorities like a glove. Therefore, look for coverage adapted to you. The ideal is not to have to use the insurance, but … if it is necessary to do so … May it serve to solve any problem!! And don't regret it!!

Our 3 recommendations, based on our experience:

1 Choose a company with excellent personalized customer service, who treat you with care and attention, not like just another policy number, that when you need it, they do not answer you. 

2 Then make sure what your insurance really covers, and do not be guided only because it is worth 30 euros less, I assure you that in terms of prices there are also differences in services and coverage in the event of an accident, we are unfortunately clear about this from experiences we have had. 

3 Make sure that with them, claims management is easy and transparent.

Area number 2 most recommended by Spanish motorhomes: Viladrau motorhome area

Our experience with motorhome insurance for our Kucavana

 We, after drawing up our plan of what we need and prioritized, have our motorhome insurance with ucoga, which after a good comparison in 2024 between the different motorhome insurers has given us the best price and coverage. A pleasant surprise that I will tell you below that it was a pure crush to find them and that this company has a history that we have fallen in love with.

So far, for us it is the cheapest motorhome insurance that we have found at all risks, with impressive personalized attention very close and with the best coverage and advantages as motorhomes compared to other insurers.

Previous to them we have been with Carvan and with MV Seguros, the famous Lolo. With Caravan we were not lucky enough to use the insurance, but with Lolo we did and it was a complete unfortunate disaster. 

And as every year we go to the best insurance, this year we have gone with Ucoga, the one that has given us the best price and coverage by far.

Make the right choice. What types of motorhome insurance will you find?

You will find different types of insurance and depending on your needs you will have to choose one or the other.

  • You can choose Third parties + assistance and windows.
  • Basic third parties + robbery is also within your reach. Recommended for ACs and old vans or those that are going to have little use.
  • Yet another option is Complete third parties + fire and total loss / natural phenomena. Recommended if you need complete coverage at an affordable price.
  • In addition, you will find all of the above + damage to the vehicle, all risk with excess. The franchises can go from approximately 200 euros onwards.   
  • And one more alternative, All risk without excess.

Take note of the minimum coverage for motorhome insurance

  • Third party insurance. It is mandatory.
  • Moons. Always ready in case it is necessary.
  • International assistance. A must if you are going out.
  • Collision with animals. Sooner or later, it ends up happening.
  • Unlimited accessories. The interior of your motorhome is your home.
  • Civil liability.
  • Legal defense.
  • Driver's insurance.
  • Travel assistance and crane. If you don't have it, it can complicate your trip.
  • Theft and fire. This is basic. Don't risk.

A mix between vehicle and home

As you know, motorhomes are peculiar vehicles and so are your insurance. Motorhomes are a mix between a vehicle and a house.

Given their housing status, they require insurance that covers belongings, furniture and other goods. In short, the content. And not just in case of theft. Theft coverage of a motorhome insurance also includes theft and robbery.

Being a house, it also needs to be protected against damage such as that caused by fire or flood. They are common guarantees in a multi-risk insurance and that a specific motorhome insurance should consider if you want to save yourself trouble.

Salut de Terrades by motorhome

And the price of insurance for motorhomes or campers?

When you approach the insurer, the first thing they will ask you is what is the type and model of your motorhome. Based on that they will give you a budget but there are many other factors that influence. Here is a cost approximation:

Approximate rates:

  • For Third Parties + Windows + Assistance: Up to 130 Cv: € 257. More than 130 CV: € 292.
  • In the case of Third Parties + Theft + Fire + Impact on Animals: Up to 130 Cv: € 385. More than 130 Cv: € 410.
  • If you opt for All Risks or Own Damages: Up to 130 Cv and a value greater than € 40.000: € 780
  • In the case of a € 600 Excess: € 540. More than 130 Cv: and a value greater than € 40.000.
  • And With a € 300 Excess: € 580.

Remember. They are indicative rates. The ideal is to find specialized motorhome insurance to obtain the best rates. If your motorhome is profiled, you will probably get insurance below that range. Then you will be right.

With the necessary information (type of vehicle, model, accessories, weight, etc.), insurers can better calculate the price of motorhome insurance. It does not matter if you request a quote online or in person. You must offer this type of information in a detailed way to obtain rates completely customized to your needs.

In short, take out your policy from an insurer specialized in motorhomes. This is how they will understand the first time, what you really need and take a good look at the coverage next to the price, don't be fooled.

Motorhome insurance: The four tips to get the best motorhome or camper insurance in 2024

  1. El weight checked of the caravan or motorhome will determine the final amount when you are hiring the insurance. If it is a caravan of less than 750 kilos It can be insured by the vehicle itself, as long as this has been contemplated in the policy of the same, keep it in mind.
  2. The coverage of theft, damage, etc. They are optional, but highly recommended whenever you want to enjoy your vacation and forget about any unforeseen event that may arise.
  3. Make sure that you have all the coverages you need, especially when it comes to Civil liability It is concerned and if you have a good accident insurance better, better that nothing ever happens, but if it does, do not regret it.
  4. Run away from aggressive offers of some companies. Coverage is most likely missing! but also stay away from abusive offers!
Iceland by motorhome with children

Motorhome insurance: our opinion and why we chose Ucoga over the others. Our choice for this 2024 after much comparing.

We have our insurance with ucoga, motorhome insurance specialists. We like this company for several reasons. Many of the members of his team have lived the caravanning in the first person for many years. They are Galicians of those who make you fall in love the first time. And it is that as soon as you talk to them you realize that they do not deal with a policy number, but with people.

They have always dedicated themselves to the sector farms and agricultural extensions of the north of Spain, but their love for the motorhome has made that recently they launched themselves into our sector, Ucoga is love for the rural, nature and caravanning. That love is noticeable and right now they work to unite the two sectors that farms and motorhomes work together ... if you make sure with them you will soon understand why 😛

In addition, we know that it processes a high volume of policies so it has great negotiating power, which we have seen reflected in its price along with all the coverage they offer, right now the best there is. They currently work with more than 30 insurance companies!

It also convinces us more than other companies because when you call them, an answering machine does not jump. They prefer to give a humane and close treatment. Thus, it is easier to explain our needs as customers. In addition, they assign you a personalized advisor who solves our doubts and processes our claims or incidents.

 You don't talk to ucoga anymore, you talk to Mariña (in our case, now don't collapse it for me eh hehehe!), that changes things, I assure you.

Another plus point: In cases of disagreement, this insurance brokerage is in charge of defending the insured against the company. The customer no longer has to "fight directly with the insurer."

And one more advantage: they process your insurance without leaving your home. In addition, they send all the documentation to your home (policy, pen, assistance telephone numbers, green card, accident reports ...).

In short, it is one of those companies that know how to give customers peace of mind. His business values ​​are customer service, love for caravanning and transparency. 

And finally, you should know that a comparison between insurance is the one that offers the best coverage in the event of a claim, for the same price as others with lower coverage.

From our point of view, Ucoga is an excellent option. Here you have their prices and general coverage, although the specific ones by amount are worth a lot compared to others!

Ucoga basic third party insurance includes: (FROM € 200)
• Compulsory CR + voluntary CR
• RC Fire + RC of the Load
• Unlimited travel assistance
• Driver accidents
• Healthcare
• Impact hunting animals
• Weather damage
• Covers integrated accessories
• Broken windows
• Free choice of workshop
• Defense, claim for damages
• Defense of fines

Ucoga Plus Insurance includes (FROM € 290)

In addition to all the above:
• Stole

• Fire

• Total loss

Ucoga comprehensive insurance includes (FROM € 310)

In addition to all the above

• Own damages



Our final recommendation!

To get the best motorhome insurance:

  1. Make a list of your needs and priorities (that you prefer coverage, price, personalized attention ...)
  2. Explore various insurers with experience in the caravanning sector without forgetting to take a good look at the coverage in your comparison.
  3. Don't forget to hire unlimited roadside assistance.
  4. It will also help you to read opinions of other caravans. Ours today is that Ucoga is the best motorhome insurance company.

This entry has 17 comments

  1. Maria Carolina

    good evening ,,, first of all tell you that I love your page .. especially how well explained the routes are and the optimism that is perceived.
    We plan to rent a motorhome this summer ... and the rental conditions include a very high franchise.
    I wanted to ask what advice you can give me, because I have heard that there are insurance that covers these franchises ...
    thanks in advance

    1. Kucavanera family

      Hello Maria Carolina, first of all thank you for your comment 🙂 We like that you find it useful in your plans 🙂 From what you say, we do not know any insurance on rental bonds (I suppose you mean deposit when you talk about franchise). But, the option that you are perhaps looking for and is the best is the option that most rental companies have to take out full-risk insurance without excess, for an additional plus, and that would avoid the risk of losing the deposit. The truth is that it is sometimes easy to take a small bump the first few times, especially in the lower rear, slopes or changes in grade. My advice, be careful with the lower rear especially and go ahead with caution 🙂 A hug and enjoy discovering the world of the motorhome 🙂

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you very much ,,, and good trips !!

    1. Kucavanera family

      Thanks to you, who follow us and always encourage us to continue writing and sharing with everyone. A hug!

  3. Mercè

    A long article, but where not even a comma is left over. I have already registered to call you in September!

    1. Kucavanera family

      I already have the table of the comparison of all the insurers, if it was long but did not have any commas, wait Mercè! hehej now comes the best 😛 The conclusion is that the subject is crazy for sure and that you have to look at it but well well!


    Hello Both this page and the entire web, has taught me a lot of things that I should know before starting in this world that I want so much to belong to, I have not yet decided which one to buy a motorhome or camper L2H2, for a single person fleeing overcrowding, because I want it for the whole year, and the insurance is the most important thing, I have a doubt or I have not understood it in everything you explain, can you have a medical insurance that they care for you anywhere in Spain, Or is it already covered by the insurance that you make to the motorhome or camper? I need some intervention every six months for an ENT and it would be a roll to leave a beautiful town to go to the city where they treat me, and another question, what about The registry? I do not have a home or family to have a registry, I have read something that you can request from social affairs that you register in the caravan, but I do not know if it is true. Do you think a L2H2 / H3 camper is better? To go unnoticed, the motorhomes that I like are the outlined ones with a French bed and I already have about six favorites, but I can't decide which format to choose, motorhome or camper, the price I get very similar between € 20.000 and € 28.000, do you have any guide to steps to follow when buying a motorhome or camper, most important points to watch, I am new and the world is full of wolves, to call them in a friendly way. Thanks and regards.

    1. Kucavanera family

      Hello Roberto, thank you for your words, first of all 🙂 Well, vehicle insurance is only vehicle insurance. It only covers medical care in the event of an accident. From what you say, I think what would be good for you is to have a mutual, since social security gives you coverage throughout Europe but only in emergency matters, not in periodic interventions, as far as I know.
      On the standard issue, I analyzed it legally and spoke about it through an interview with a family friend who took the step, I leave it here:

      To buy we also recently wrote an article that I think may be good for you, especially if it is second-hand that you look at:

      You can tell us if the info is good for you 🙂 Any question, we are here!

    1. Joseph Coy

      Thanks Jorge, a very good idea, we look at the Excel

  5. Rosana traveling

    The comparison is very good, I didn't know there were so many things to take into account when comparing the insurance, but it's not just a car and that changes everything.

  6. Luca

    Buongiorno, complimenti for the page but its one thing I saw sbagliate and fate will lose time.
    Cancelate il blog dove consigliate Ucoga assicurazioni perché non assicurano per niente a veicoli italiani.
    thank you

  7. Ignacio

    Hello, I am interested in an aturocaravan insurance quote.

    If you give me an email I will send you all the documentation,



    1. Kucavanera family

      Hello Nacho, we do not provide insurance, we are just users like you 🙂

  8. Mark

    Hello! Thank you for your helpful website that contains so much critical information. I am looking into Ucoga and will probably purchase the Total Risk – 300 (Franchise). I am an English speaker and it is very difficult to wade through all the pages in the document they sent me. Tough if I were a Spaniard and very tough being an American!

    I've asked the agent if United Kingdom is covered in their policy. I doubt it but thought I should ask. What about you? What do you do when you go to countries outside the EU? Are there short term policies that you buy?

    Are you still very confident in Ucoga? Their policy coverage, their attentiveness to the customer? My experience with them so far has been ok but I wouldn't say excellent. Any words of advice and answers to my questions would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the great work!

  9. Mamen

    Hello one question.

    In the Telegram groups between each other, only UCOGA and CamperCover are mentioned.

    The latter being so well known, do you know it? Seeing that she is so "famous" I was surprised not to see her in your analysis (I got here by searching on Google for "Ucoga vs Campercover").

    Thanks in advance for commenting, greetings

    1. Joseph Coy

      Hello, yes we know it, the truth is that when we did the first comparison 4 years ago we missed it and then we have been updating the data of the ones we had inequitiously, we try to add it for the next one,
      Thank you

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